School Health
Parents & Students
Call or Text In Your Tip To 1-844-5-SAYNOW
Submit a Tip Online
You can also download the Say Something app to your smartphone using the Apple App Store or Google Play
Transylvania County Schools works to make schools safe and caring places. In many cases, students and parents feel comfortable reporting concerns directly to staff (teachers, administrators, resource officers, counselors, etc), and we encourage students and parents to continue using these normal methods to report concerns. The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System is not to replace this healthy and open communication. We want students to help us keep schools safe, and to break the "code of silence" with respect to matters that can impact the safety of schools.
If you or your student were to suspect or become aware of any students or adults in a school who are planning or acting in any unsafe way, please let us know. This includes, but is not limited to, the use or possession of drugs, knives, guns, and/or threats to injure, bully, or assault others. If you or your children are not comfortable talking directly with staff at the school level, use the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System. It is a fast, effective, and safe way to let us know about an unsafe situation and not worry about being identified as the source of the information.
The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Designed specifically for use by students in grades 6-12, SS-ARS provides three reporting platforms (mobile app, website, 24/7 phone hotline) for users to submit tips – and a crisis center to examine and triage those tips. When credible tips are received, the crisis center will notify school-based representatives, even after hours when tips are life-threatening and require immediate intervention. And, in cases of imminent threat, the crisis center will contact local 911 dispatch and involve law enforcement.
The Say Something program is for reporting any type of serious concerns about students who are struggling or potentially violent. So “tipsters” can send reports on anything from school threats they’ve seen or overheard to personal crises including sexual harassment, self-harm, and depression.
If you have any questions about the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, please feel free to contact Missy Ellenberger at 828-884-6173.